Rules & Regulations Privacy Statement
Bobby and Kates Academy Data Privacy Policy and Consent Form of the school contains all information gathered during registration/enrollment such as Full Name, Birth date/Birth place, Parent’s Name and Occupation, Personal Email Address/Mobile and Landline Number.
The collected information is utilized solely for documentation and will be shared with the Department of Education and the PEAC (Private Education Assistance Committee)/FAPE (Fund Assistance to Private Education)/ for ESC/ Voucher Program recipient and group insurance purposes only and authorized school personnel have access to these personal information. The personal information collected will be secured processed and stored.
Upon signing the ENROLLMENT FORM, parents express their willingness and determination to abide by the school rules and regulations.
Parents are obliged to attend school function such as parent orientation, quarterly consultation with teacher’s meeting and in other instances where their presence is demanded for the benefit of their children.
The school reserves itself the right to dismiss, even during the school year, any student who fails to comply with its disciplinary regulations or who is involved in any serious breach of contact.
Tuition fees and other fees are payable in full (Cash), two payments, three payments, or monthly basis. Assessment of fees and other charges are given upon enrollment.
Five prevent (5%) per month will be charged for overdue accounts. Five hundred pesos ( Php 500.00 + 10% of amount) charge for return or cancelled checks. No checks will be accepted for the second time if returned or cancelled. All check payments must be payable to Bobby and Kates Academy only.
Incoming student (new Student) and outgoing (Transferring to other school) will be charged five hundred pesos (P500.00) for preschool and elementary pupils and eight hundred pesos (P800.00) for secondary student.
Statement of accounts will be issued monthly during the school year. Payments made beyond the due date will incur a penalty corresponding to the interest of the amount involved against the number of month delay (12% per annum)
Examination permits are duly signed by the cashier one week prior to the date of examination, Notice of settled and unsettled accounts are stamped to the students handbook (CLEARED or NO PERMIT). The student who will present the permit to his/her teacher during examination. Students who were unable to take the examination on the scheduled date, with the exception of those who were allowed by the Director/s for special reason will take the special test after paying Php 400.00 (Special test charge) at the cashiers office, No student will be allowed to take the periodical test without the permit.
Parents and visitors should refrain from entering the classrooms or buildings without written permission of the principal. Parents, guardians, drivers, nanny, and other non-school related personnel must stay at the lounging shed for visitors (near gate) during class hours.
Typhoon signal number one (1) automatically cancels classes of the preschool level and typhoon signal number two (2) cancels classes in the elementary and secondary level. For emergency cases involving the suspension of classes, the school head has the right to cancel classes, unless otherwise specified by the DEPED or any competent authority of the city.
There are several bulletin boards located in the corridor in every department. They carry official information. Students as well as the parents are responsible for whatever notices posted on the bulletin.
Athletic equipment is school property and should be treated with care. They are available for borrowing during recreation periods, P.E. and sports time.
The school assumes no responsibility for any student’s personal belongings. However, for the benefit of all concerned the school maintains a “LOST AND FOUND” area. Students will derive maximum benefit from the service by strictly adhering to the following reminders:
The school should be informed as soon as possible of any changes/s in telephone numbers/ mobile number or residence addresses. Students are not allowed to use the other telephones if it is not an emergency call.
Cellphone are not allowed inside the school premises. Cellphone should be deposited before going to 1st subject schedule and be returned after dismissal time. If confiscated, cellphone will be returned at the end of school year (April).
Laboratories and library must be kept clean and orderly. Rules for the use of laboratories and library issued by respective departments should be strictly followed. Any loss or damage will be paid within a week’s time by the party concerned in order to retain the right to use the laboratories and library. Any student who suspiciously takes any material whatsoever out of the laboratories and library will be dismissed from the school at the first offense.
Students of Bobby and Kates Academy should behave as worthy members of the family and the community. As BKA students, whether inside or outside the campus, their conduct should be an asset to the school, to themselves, and to their parents. The administration looks upon students as guardian of school regulations and holds each one responsible for their observance.
Students should be courteous when in public places, establishments, parks, resort and other places. When the behavior of the student outside the school adversely affects its name, he will be subjected to disciplinary action. Any offense committed inside the boundary of Bobby and Kates Academy where the school is located, will be considered as if the offense were committed inside the campus. As much as possible, the school uniform should not be worn in public places such as movie houses, restaurants, shopping counters. Etc.
Students should give serious thought to dress and the school uniform integral part of their training for future professional life. The school considers proper wearing of school uniform is the reflection of good personality standards. Cleanliness and neatness as prescribed by the school are essential. All students are required to wear the prescribed uniform at all times during school days. Bringing of extra uniform is a must.
Khaki short pants for Preschool and Primary level (Grade 1-3) and khaki long pants for grade 4-6; white polo with school logo patch and nameplate on the upper left pocket; black low cut leather shoes and plain white socks.
White baby blouse, checkered green skirt (per official sample); black leather shoes and plain white socks.
For Boys
Moss green long pants with school patch and nameplate on the upper left pocket, white under shirt (no prints); low cut and well-shined black leather shoes; black socks.
For Girls
White blouse and checkered skirt with necktie and school patch; decent underwear (ladies underwear); black flat-heeled leather shoes and white socks.
For Boys
Moss green long pants. Short polo with blazer with logo.
For Girls
Moss green skirt or pants white blouse with sports collar with blazer with logo.
High school girls are expected to be:
High school boys and girls are expected to be:
Boy’s haircut
The hair should not fall on the ear, not touching the collar of the shirt. Bangs should not reach the eyebrows; side burns should not go beyond the lobe of the ear. No Pineapple or Mushroom cut is allowed. Hair should be cut in gradual way at the back not abruptly.
Regulation on uniform and haircut will be considered as important as any other regulations.
Regular attendance is one of the most important phases of the educational program. Attendance rules and policies are necessary if academic progress is to be made. At the end of the school year recognition is given to each student for “Perfect Attendance”. Penalties and school sanction will be imposed for habitual absenteeism.
Enrollment in the Preschool, Grade School and High School is by school year. Once registered a student is considered enrolled for the whole school year. No student is deemed properly enrolled unless he has satisfactorily complied with Accounting Office and general requirements.
Credential submitted for enrollment become part of the School records and cannot be withdrawn after registration.
A student may withdraw from the school at time during the school by observing the following procedures:
A student will not be issued the certificate of eligibility to transfer if he has not settled the property and financial obligation with the school.
In cases of refunds on tuition payments, the ruling of the Department of Education, as embodied in the Manual of Information for Private Schools (1970 edition), section VII article 137 is followed:
When a student registers in a school, it is understood that he is enrolling for the entire school year. A student who transfers or otherwise withdraws in writing, within two weeks after the beginning of classes and who has already paid the pertinent tuition and other school fees in full or for any length longer than one month will be charged ten percent (10%) of the total amount due for the term if he withdraws within first week of classes, or twenty (20%) percent it within the second week of classes, regardless of whether or not he has actually attended classes. The student will be charged all the school fees in full if he withdraws anytime after second week of classes. By school policy, the basic fees representing registration and miscellaneous paid by a student upon registration are nonrefundable if the student withdraws from the school.
In cases of overpayments, such are refunded at the Office of the Treasurer by signing pertinent vouchers acknowledging receipt after verification of control book entries and receipt number issued.
In cases when an account is expected to be yet unsettled by its due date, the parent or guardian should personally apply for a promissory note at the Accounting Office. Promised date should not be more than fifteen (15) days from the date of application. No student is allowed to apply for another promissory has not been settled. Extension is not allowed expect in highly meritorious cases subject to approval of the School Directors.
Academic Scholarship
– 100% discount on tuition fees for 1st honors for 3 consecutive years.
– 50% discount on tuition fees for 2nd honors for 3 consecutive years.
FAPE/ Educational Service Contracting (ESC)/ Education Voucher System (EVS)
Under this scheme the government agency – Department of Education pays the school fees equivalent to the per student cost as assigned by the FAPE (Fund for Assistance to Private Education). The school collects from the contract student an additional amount equivalent to the balance.
Financially-handicapped but deserving students are the preference of the Program. For details, please contact the Office of the Principal/ School Registrar.
General Policies:
The report card which is an appraisal of the student’s progress in school is issued every grading period.
All report cards are carefully inspected and signed by the parents/guardians, and are returned to the teacher adviser within two (2) days. Once signed, the administration will not entertain any further clarifications and/or complains regarding grades, conduct, absences, etc. Alteration of grades or signature warrants disciplinary actions. The administration feels that the periodic card is sufficient to keep parents informed of their child’s progress in school. No other notices or letters need officially be issued.
At the end of every quarter, however, a day is designated as Parent- Teachers Conference Day wherein parents are obliged to come to get the report card of their child and avail of the opportunity to discuss pertinent matters with the teacher. On the other hand, parents are free to come should the wish to have a conference with the teachers anytime during this school year. An appointment through the diary/student’s handbook should be set for this matter.
5A L. San Diego Street, Canumay West, Valenzuela City
I _________________________carefully read and understood. The policy of BOBBY AND KATES ACADEMY and I accept with full knowledge and observance all the school rules and regulations contained therein.
I understand that any breach on my part with any rules and regulations may mean my suspension, dismissal or any disciplinary action that the school authorities may deem proper depending on the gravity of my offense.
____________________________________ _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature over printed name Student’s Signature
Attested by:
______________________________ _________________________
Guidance Counselor/Principal Homeroom Adviser
(School’s copy)
Interadyo of Bobby and Kates Academy